Contact areaContact area Contact area
0731 101-0
Our Sort code and BIC
Sort code63050000

Our most important contact details at a glance

Address: Sparkasse Ulm
Hans-und-Sophie-Scholl-Platz 2
89073 Ulm
Postal address: Sparkasse Ulm
Postfach 27 20

89017 Ulm
Telephone*: 0731 101-0
Fax*: 0731 101-1000
Online-Banking-Hotline*: 0731 101-950
Sort code: 63050000

* Calls from a German landline are charged at Euro 0.20 each. Calls from mobile phones are charged at no more than Euro 0.60 each.

Easy to contact

Your local Sparkasse

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Happy to help

Our advisers are always there to help. To book an appointment, please follow this link.

Emergency number for blocking your card 116 116

The emergency number for blocking any of your cards and online banking access can be used 24/7.

Your Sparkasse's social media presence
